Join the Club!
You are invited!
The Mid-Atlantic Leonberger Club invites all interested Leo Lovers to join us. Please apply online or download the Membership Application below, and mail the check (made out to MALC) and Application to:
Susan Townsend
2025 Stonebrook Dr.
Mebane, NC 27302
If you have any questions regarding membership, or the MALC By-Laws , please email our secretary: secretary@midatlanticleonbergers.com
We love having you with us! Annual dues are just $10.00, but we welcome donations to help with our 12 annual conformation events. Thank you!
Use a SQUARE button below to renew in seconds! If you prefer to renew by PayPal or with a check, please scroll down for instructions. If you prefer to wait for Susan to mail you a renewal, we'll do that as well!
Click for the Renewal Form - it will open in a new window. Return here to pay.
You can submit renewal dues using the PayPal payment button or by sending a check to Agi Hejja 3831 Broad Street Rd., Gum Spring, VA 23065.